Saturday, June 1, 2013

Poor Decisions

     Why is it that at the moment you make one of these poor decisions it all seems to be great and just right? Then in reality it's one of the worst decisions you could have made. It always happens yet we continue to make these poor decisions. It's as if your brain in that moment shuts down and doesn't let you rationalize the facts that maybe you shouldn't go along with your initial thought. That this is an impulse reaction you will regret later. 
     I know it happens to everyone from having 1 to many drinks to buying something you shouldn't. I think the only consolation is that your not the only one this happens to, many others go through the same thing. Many say they couldn't help it others they didn't realize what they did. Yet there's a few that new what they were doing and honestly didn't care until the weight of what they did hits them. 
     Of course there's those complete and utter mistakes that we do and helps us all if that was one of them. Those are the "What the hell did I do" moments. Most of the time thankfully it's nothing major and we are lucky.. oh so lucky that this was the case.  That you bit the bullet on that one. That you can actually look back and laugh about it. 
     Although I do find it funny because like in the case of a friend of mine all you have to do is look at her face and you already know. The guilt is written all over it that at first she even tries to hide. Then of course like any other person she tries to play it off like she meant to do this. To this I say... Who cares your not the first or last person to make a mistake but I hope you learn from it. Why judge if the next time around it might be you. 
     Now not all impulses are bad don't get me wrong. You might decide last minute to waists your last $5 on a lottery ticked. People will say that was a poor decision and you just lost the little you had. Yet the unbelievable happens and you win the lottery. Sometimes a poor decision turns out to be a great one. Lets be reasonable this isn't always the case. 
     It's incredible how many people right at this moment are making poor decisions. Look around and you can spot some of them right in front of you. This is yet another one of our imperfections. I ask you though would you rather be a bit impulsive or sit on the sudelines to scared to do anything at all for fear that it might be wrong or that you'll regret it tomorrow? 

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